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Token Sale

- Token Sale panel

The Token Sales panel manages the token sale / fund raising initiatives by creating sales stage.

Token Sale Panel

Sales Round - no active sale

Sales Round - no active sale - Dashboard

Token Sale Dashboard - Open

Industries Token Sale panel

Token Sales - BUY

To make a purchase of a token sale, navigate to the token dashboard -> Sales panel and click on View

Token Sale - Buy

Token Sales - Buy Dashboard

Select preferred wrapped token (choice of 16 tokens) to make the purchase.

Token Sales - Buy Dashboard

Token Sales - Buy with Unit Token

**Token Sales - Buy Dashboard (Unit) **

Token Sales - Receipt (UNIT)

Upon successful completion of Buy transaction, a sales transaction will be generated.

Token Sales transaction (UNIT)

Token Sales - Buy with BTCU Token

**Token Sales - Buy Dashboard (BTCU) **

Token Sales - Receipt (BTCU)

Upon successful completion of Buy transaction, a sales transaction will be generated.

Token Sales transaction (BTCU)

Token Sales - Listing (Current) - EDIT

The EDIT dashboard allows the Token Creator to

  • make changes to the token price and quantity for sales round. (you cannot make changes to the token sale price if tokens have been sold)
  • set the Bonus Allocation for Team, Advisors and Community.

Token Sales - Listing (Current)

Click on View to display the buyers listing and quantity purchased.

Token Sales Listing (Current)

Current Sales stage dashboard will reflected the number of buyers for that round.

Token Sales Listing (Current)

Click on the Total value to EDIT the listing.

Edit Sales stage

Sale Price and Quantity can only be set before any sale is made.

Bonus - Token creator can set up the bonus given for sales.

Token Sales Listing (Current)

Click on the Total value to EDIT the listing.

Sales Stages - SOLD OUT

When all sale stages are fully bought, there will be no more sales round.

Token Sales Listing (Completed)